About Me

Born and brought up in Mandya district of South Karnataka (India). I must admit that I am addicted to tea and coffee. I love learning new things whether its related to tech, art or whatever. I do believe that If you want to achieve something then you can not give an average effort because if it can be achieved by an average effort everybody would do it. I love travelling, every now and then I take a random trip around Bangalore to search for the best tea shops. I am a certified JAVA Programmer

Contact Details

Srinivas Prasad K T


MCA - Master of Computer Application

East West Institute of Technology, Bengaluru June 2011

I completed my Master of Computer Application in Computer Science stream. I was a decent student in my post graduation time. Data Structures, Maths, Artificial Intelligence, RDBMS were my favourite subjects. Bunking classes, calling proxies, late night studies, midnight walks and railway station tea was part of every day in college time.


Harman International Industries

Test Engineer June 2015 - Present

I'm currently working at Harman International Industries which is an array of legendary brands that includes Harman Kardon®, JBL®, Mark Levinson® and Infinity®.. My work is to automation of functional test cases using Selenium Webdriver, Appium and T-Plan.

Heaven Zrs Technologies

Software Engineer August 2014 - June 2015

Heaven Zrs Technologies was my second workplace where I worked as a Test Enginner. As a Test Enginner my work is to Automation of functional test cases using Selenium Webdriver.


Software Engineer April 2012 - June 2014

E2open was my first workplace where I worked as a Software Engineer. As a Software Engineer my role is to Automation and Execution of functional test cases using Webdriver. I liked my first Job and still I visit my old workplace when I get sometime.


If you are working in IT domain. Then you must know that only way to survive in IT field is to increase your skills regularly. And its not a hard thing to do, If you are interested in your work and have the passion to do it.

  • JAVA
  • JAVA-Script
  • SQL
  • Appium
  • T-Plan
  • TestNG
  • JIRA
  • Selenium WebDriver

Some Motivation to take away

  • Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other .

    Abraham Lincoln
  • Life is short, break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile. Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover

    Mark Twain